Monday, January 03, 2005

Grand Cayman

Land Ahoy! I woke up this morning and found land ourside our lanai. We had reached Grand Cayman island.

After finding breakfast on our own, my family group (Mom, Denise, Donna, Rick, Phyllis, Wendell and myself) met on the ramp to board the tender boat. I am not sure what I expected, but these little boats were fun! Here we are . . .

Our Cruise Director, Colin, had warned us the night before that the island looked a bit different than last year because of the hurricane this Fall. As he put it, it appeared that the island had gotten a major haircut - a buzz, if you will. The area we drove through showed obvious signs of wind damage, and our bus driver informed us that this was minor compared to the Windward side of the island.

The 7 Mile Beach seemed to be the destination of choice and it was there that we met up with Landa, Matt, Missy, Nick and Jared. I had a great time playing in the water (but I still say I have better beaches at home - hehe) and I think almost everyone at least got their feet wet. Even Aunt Phyllis rolled up her long pants and let the water ease over her toes for a few minutes. My mom got in part way, but was afraid she would not be able to get out - a self fulfilling prophecy, as it turned out. Wendell swam for a few minutes. Missy warily joined Denise, Rick and I for a while. We saw a fish shortly after we entered the water and she was constantly on the look out for more. We laughed a lot as we tried to distinguish small fish from long strips of coral. All in all, it was a great day at the beach.

Aunt Elenor was sick most of the day. We think it may have been food poisoning, but the ship doctor would only confirm that she did not have a fever and her blood pressure was normal. She probably could have told him all of that. He put her in quarenteen until tomorrow night, but I doubt she will stay still for that long.

The show tonight was Encore, Mr. Producer. It had short scenes from My Fair Lady, Oliver, Witches of Eastwick and Les Meserables. I had the song, "On My Own" in my head all night long. After hanging out in Dazzles for awhile, I headed up to the roof for my quite time. And guess who I ran into? Yep, Jared and Nick. Guess I am not the only one in the family who enjoys being away from the crowd.

Once again, I enjoyed my time alone on the roof, singing my heart out over the ocean. As I began to leave, I met Danielle. Now there was an interesting addition to my trip! She had just come off an 18 month mission and tried her best to convert my to Mormanism. She had no idea what she was in for! After over an hour of friendly debate, she decided it was time for bed and left - rather frustrated. It was well after 3am when I started toward my room, quite content.


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